10 Ways Coconut Oil Makes You Gorgeous

This sweet-smelling oil is an amazing beauty and household staple.

Coconut oil has been a dietary, medicinal and beauty staple for ages. It’s a high-quality fat with a large concentration of lauric acid, a substance with antibacterial properties. It’s easy on your digestive system, provides a great energy boost and may improve the absorption of fat-solutable vitamins. Its natural sweetness and nutty vanilla flavor, plus its ability to withstand high temperatures and keep for as long as a year at room temperature, make it perfect for cooking.

These are just some of the benefits of virgin coconut oil, which has become amazingly popular over the past couple of years. These days you’ll find it not only at every health food store, but at most ordinary grocery stores too. And for good reason. Derived from the kernel of a mature coconut fruit (coconuts are fruits, not tree nuts), this healthy, versatile oil has got it going on. Whether used medicinally, cosmetically or as a household product, it deserves a place in your pantry or medicine cabinet. Here, 10 great uses for this oil-of-all-trades.

1. Moisturizer. Slather coconut oil on your face morning and night to smooth and plump skin. It may feel a little greasy at first, but it’s quickly absorbed and will leave your skin soft and supple. Use it on dry skin, cuticles, chapped lips and kids’ rosy cheeks. Work a small amount into your hair to tame it and create well-defined waves, or leave on overnight for a deep condition. For a great do-it-yourself body lotion, whip 2 cups of coconut oil in a stand mixer until soft and fluffy; add a few drops of essential oil and scoop into a container. The lotion will keep for months without hardening.

2. Healing Ointment. A great natural antibacterial, coconut oil may be applied to any patchy, dry areas of your body. You can also use it to treat rashes (including diaper rash), cold sores and bug bites. If you’re nursing, use it in place of lanolin to treat sore nipples. It also make a great shaving cream and a cheap oral rinse. And surprise, it may also be effective in treating head lice, according to new research published in the European Journal of Pediatrics.

3. Cleanser. These days, facial cleansing oils are all the rage, and coconut oil is no exception. For a soft, clean face, just rub a bit of the oil between your fingers until it softens or melts, then rub gently all over your face. Wipe away with a warm washcloth. To clean and whiten your teeth, brush with a mixture of coconut oil and baking soda.

4. Massage Oil. There’s no need to invest in expensive massage oil when coconut oil does just as good a job. Soften a nickel-size amount between your hands and rub to warm; then give a great, sweet-smelling massage to someone special.

5. Exfoliator. For an all-natural body scrub, mix equal parts coconut oil and organic cane sugar in a glass jar, then massage into dry skin prior to your shower or bath. For a gentle facial scrub, blend the oil with baking soda or oatmeal, then throw in a dash of cinnamon.

6. Deodorizer. The lauric acid in coconut oil kills odor-causing bacteria, so rubbing a small amount of it into your armpits can help keep you sweet-smelling all day. The scent of the oil is very light and won’t stain clothing. For a wonderful all-natural deodorant, add a small amount of baking soda and your favorite essential oil and apply with your fingertips.

7. Cooking Oil. This oil is milder and richer tasting than butter, sweeter and lighter textured than lard, and without any of the bitterness you sometimes get in olive oil. It’s got many health benefits: It boosts energy, increases metabolism, aids in healthy weight loss and may improve thyroid function. Plus it doesn’t form harmful by-products when heated like most other oils and animal fats. Use it to replace butter, cup for cup, in recipes. Sauté, cook, bake, broil and braise with it. It does everything from tone down bitter greens to sweeten your morning cup of coffee.

8. Spot Remover. If you’ve got a stain on your upholstery or carpet, trying rubbing in a small amount of coconut oil to loosen. Or, you can mix the oil with baking soda to make an effective stain remover with scrubbing properties.

9. Household Product. Coconut oil is useful all around the house. Use it to season cast iron pans, condition your wooden cutting boards, polish wood furniture and clean shower scum. It’s also great for softening leather goods, lubricating squeaky hinges, cleaning paint brushes and even lubricating guitar strings. 

10. Pet Ointment. Fido too can reap the benefits of this versatile oil. Rub some into his coat for added shine, use a tiny amount to clean his ears, or massage it into his legs to ease stiff joints. You can also mix a small amount into his food to add nutrients, assist digestion and freshen breath. Just ask your vet how much and how often to dispense.

Now tell us, how do YOU use coconut oil?