The Best Friend I Never Met

How do you mourn someone you've known only through Facebook?

Facebook farewell

My Facebook friend Laura died last night. She was the best friend I never met.

Laura and I came from the same neighborhood, a unique childhood paradise of 20 or so 20-story buildings in one square mile, complete with an elementary school, middle school, high school, shopping center and two nice parks, all within one block of the Atlantic Ocean. Built in the 1960s by Fred Trump, father of the Donald, Trump Village was the first new middle-income, co-operative community built on Brooklyn’s south shore, in between Brighton Beach, later to become  New York’s Little Odessa by the sea, and Coney Island, the once glamourous Oceanfront play land. The new community was instantly populated with mostly Jewish, mostly young couples and families, and instant friendships were formed in the lobbies, the classrooms, and the playgrounds between the buildings. //READ MORE